Sunday, December 14, 2014


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(click image to enlarge)

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The procedure for registration same as the others of business registration. THE FIRST You fill out your full name, I suggest fill with your real name so not problematic when the time of payment. SECOND also fill in your email address on the form provided. THIRD fill in your login password (please note that not forget), also select the dropdown arrow national origin. If the tabs are not state or province where the name of our province, then ignore it. Then fill capatha image and click Sign Up Free.

After registering then do the activation of your account by clicking on the link provided SFI to your email address. Besides given a link for activation, you will receive an email giving your SFI ID, namely in the form of 8-digit numbers. The ID can be used to login into your members area. For the login you can also use your email address used to register.


The next stage is very important, because it will determine the extent to which you are serious or are interested in this business. This business is not a business to get rich quick, so that you are on the right track must follow all procedures and instructions step by step. But do not worry I will give guidance where you can easily follow this business. Note the importance is: Do not ever expect you to be able to study the stages of this business overnight, let alone hope to obtain abundant results in a short time. But again do not worry because these businesses remain free and relatively easy if you follow the steps gradually. BELIEVE THIS IS VERY EASY.

Okay, now we begin FIRST STEPS YOU SHOULD DO :

Log into your account with the email SFI ID and password that has been given you
Notice in the upper right corner, there are your status  : Name, ID SFI, and membership status, then in the bottom row there are months, revenue Versa Point (VP) for the month and the total amount of your VP (about VP will be discussed later). The third row is a description of your sponsor, sponsor status, and rank (number bedge) were obtained. The fourth line is the number of messages you receive. The fifth line is the START menu, SFI BASIC, and LAUNCHPAD.
The third button above menu is actually a clue how you start, and what can be done in SFI, and the stages of training you can learn. But it is certainly confusing for a new start. Therefore I will bring you to take practical steps faster to reach the stage by stage.
For the first stage as a special tip from me, you go directly to the Home menu - click on the drop - and click on the To Do List. This will bring you into the members area, then will look like this:

figure  1
On the ALERTS menu contains a warning or notice what you should do. In this window and windows then you drag or slide to bottom to find tan like this :

figure  2
Click on the menu every day when you open an account SFI to get 1 Versa Point on every menu. (writing on the tab will vary depending on the contents of the menu)

Then you slide to the next menu: To Do List as shown in figure 1 above. This step is quite long, so I will refer to as the SECOND step.

In to window To Do List you will find a menu / section GETTING-STARTED ACTIONS, your next task is to open the entire menu or in the following section of this menu with right-click and open in a new tab and then click on the letter  in the upper right corner to obtain VP according to the numbers listed on the tab. Before proceeding to the next step I will explain first about the Versa Points.

VERSA POINT : Is points awarded to affiliates for a variety of actions, as outlined on the VP Ledger. The affiliates earn more points call now month, the higher Reviews their SFI commissions can go. See the VersaPoints FAQs for more information about the VP. Also you may want to check out the Benefits Chart for a complete list of VersaPoint rankings and associated benefits. FYI: SFI Power Rankings are based on VersaPoints.

Okay, we still are in STEP 2, after the part GETTING-STARTED ACTIONSdone (this step only once during SFI), then to get the next VP you finish your entire daily tasks in the To Do List, and then we move to the stage STEP 2 later in this.

Then you open the LAUNCHPAD in the upper right corner. This menu is contains exercises or things that you should know for as long as 30 days in SFI. My suggestion study them carefully steps here before you go into business, SFI further. However, I also suggest to open this menu and the first of all the contents of the quiz below to upgrade your VP income. My experience, just in 2 days we are working on these initial steps, it is less than 3 days I've risen to the Executive Affiliate (EA). Why it is important to immediately go up levels: 1) You are given only 30 days to ride from A to EA; 2) more tingggi our levels, the greater the share of any given; 3) during the 27-day rest period (for 3 days already so EA) we use to learn all the ins and outs of the business FPI. You should know that the status of the EA will only last 1 month with 1501 VP, to maintain the position of EA next month you should get 1500 points again, while a free point source has been much reduced, then the next is going to be discussed in STEP THREE.

Step three I think is an important step for the development of your business in SFI, why is that, at this stage I think you've become EA and have a grasp of at least 70% of the SFI business. The next step is to continue to survive in the EA even rise to EA2 or BRONZE you have already initiated steps in SFI real. I perform these steps for business continuity SFI in order to obtain satisfactory results in the future:
Share your replica web link both SFI and online stores that are part of SFI is Tripleclick (TC). Do promotional products TC to obtain a profit sharing various social media as well as free advertising media, follow the game-play game that will generate $ USD prize and points that can be redeemed for a variety of goods and measures of other beneficial actions. Perform your own shopping order to obtain VP, Credit TC and others as a ticket to participate in various sporting in SFI and TC as play games, participate in the auction valuables with a super price oblique and others. You need to remember all the measures aimed at the growth of your business team and always will be rewarded with the VP, TC credit, giving referrals and so on.

Example : Montly commissions form

Too long if I were to tell you all the steps and tips in SFI. I suggest you to always learn, listen to news, follow the forum, ask questions, and understand all steps in the SFI to be more understanding and developing. SFI is not a business Abal Abal, SFI raibuan benefit all people in the world with millions of USD $. Support for new members at SFI very warm, friendly and helpfull at all. Do not hesitate to communicate with your sponsors, friends SFI members in Indonesia and even worldwide.

This is what can I say may be able to help and assist new members in SFI.

SFI Team Leader